Top Apartment Investing Advice from Lee Kiser

Over the past couple of years, I’ve contributed advice articles to the Forbes Real Estate Council about apartment investing, building a career as a multifamily broker and starting a brokerage firm. Below are my top five favorites for multifamily investors, both new and seasoned.
- As with life, the more risk an investor is comfortable with, the greater the reward potential. In the article, How Much Money Can You Make From Buying An Apartment Building? I describe three common investor risk profiles I have seen through my career and the return expectations associated with each.
- While 2020 is probably on your mind, the investment principles highlighted in Are Apartments Still A Good Investment In 2019? remain as relevant as ever. That said, it’s interesting to see where I thought the market was headed a year ago versus where it actually ended up. In Q3 2018, rents were softening and interest rates were anticipated to increase, and I expected a flatness of appreciation. Guess I didn’t have the crystal ball after all. Nonetheless, some important fundamentals for heading into a flatter market which, inevitably, we will eventually experience.
- In Buying Property? Use Your Equity, Not Your Cash I detail why seasoned investors should use reverse exchanges to increase their return on equity and net cash flow.
- Investors are always looking to increase revenue. In Five Nontraditional Ways To Increase Revenue For Your Multifamily Property, I suggest ideas for generating additional revenue from apartment properties other than just increasing rent.
- For new investors asking themselves Which Is The Better Investment Rental Property: A Single-Family Home Or Apartment Building?, I outline why multifamily is the better option – as long as you have access to the capital needed to make the purchase.
You can view all past articles and look out for new posts at https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/people/leekiser/.
If you would like to see an article about a specific topic, please email or message me on LinkedIn. I typically publish one article per month on Forbes and am always open to suggestions or questions.