The Benefits of Joining an Established Multifamily Team at Kiser Group

With a record breaking 73 buildings sold in 2021, and 45 buildings sold in the first half of 2022 alone, I knew the Birk | Sklar team at Kiser Group was the ideal place for me to get exposure to as many deals as possible. With Chicago’s South Side pretty much dominated by Noah Birk and Aaron Sklar, an expansion into the West Side was the next logical step. Joining Jack Petrando to handle deals on the West Side gave me access to incredible deal flow and an established team to learn from.
There can be a lot of pressure when first starting out. Joining a brokerage firm for the first time, I had a number of questions about business planning and day-to-day life as a member of a multifamily real estate brokerage. However, joining an established team helped me shortcut many of the pressures I felt entering the industry. Being surrounded by experienced real estate professionals has been an invaluable tool as I continue to learn and grow in my journey with real estate at Kiser Group.
Aside from the companionship I’ve found at Kiser Group, being on an established team has given me access to a plethora of insight and information. I have never had a question that a senior team member couldn’t answer, or a problem that a senior member hasn’t already experienced. I am constantly surrounded by veteran advisors who are willing and able to aide in my success through their teaching. I often find myself eavesdropping on Aaron’s calls, trying to extract any skills I can use on my own calls. Because of their support, I have been able to handle difficult situations in a more confident manner, rather than attacking new challenges on my own.
Additionally, joining Kiser Group as a member of an established team has afforded me a leg of credibility to lean on. I made several connections through my previous real estate experience, but each niche of the industry can be so vastly different that speaking with owners and investors I’d never met is nearly a daily occurrence. I have found that this is one of the most impactful aspects as I’ve been able to get my foot in the door simply through my association with such a successful established team. The Birk | Sklar team is the most prolific name in brokerage on the South Side. Having that instant credibility through your team members’ established success is invaluable.
The mentorship and encouragement that I have experienced by joining a team at Kiser Group has been the most impactful aspect of my continued journey in the real estate industry. Whether it be guided business planning, goal setting, or simply a teammate to encourage me- I have been more successful in the industry due to the support from an established and experienced team. Being surrounded by mentors who are committed to aiding my success, teammates who push me to reach my full potential, and some healthy competition, helps to simplify such a complex industry.